Devin Gibbs

Graduate Student

Previous Training:  Lou Kunkel Lab, Harvard Medical School, Boston MA

Devin grew up in the small town of Waterville, Maine where he attended Colby College and double majored in Biology and Music History and Composition. At Colby, Devin was a research assistant in Professor Andrea Tilden’s lab where he investigated the timing and localization of expression of Circadian Rhythm proteins in the nervous system of Crustaceans. Following Colby College, Devin was hired as a research assistant in Professor Louis Kunkel’s lab at Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School. In the Kunkel lab, Devin’s projects wee focused on the creation of animal models for various muscular dystrophies and identifying genetic modifiers that modified the pathology of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

Awards: 2017-Present Cota Robles Fellow, NIH T32 Muscle Cell Biology, Pathogenesis, and Therapeutics Training Grant 2018-Present, NIH T32 Cellular and Molecular Biology Training Grant [Declined], HHMI Gilliam Fellow 2019-Present